Fresh, Homemade Apple Juice
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Recipe Summary Fresh, Homemade Apple Juice
My mother had a creative way of using the apple cores and peels leftover from making apple pie: to make homemade apple juice. Store-bought apple juice is tasty, but it has a strong, distinct flavor with almost a hint of bitterness. To those with sensitive palates, it can be a little strong at times. Homemade juice, however, tastes surprisingly different as it is lighter and pleasantly sweet without the kick. Besides using a juicer, this is a super-easy way of making apple juice.Ingredients | My Juice Apple Nectarprep: 10 mins cook: 30 mins additional: 30 mins total: 1 hr 10 mins Servings: 5 Yield: 5 servings
TAG : Fresh, Homemade Apple JuiceDrinks Recipes, Juice Recipes,
Images of My Juice Apple Nectar
My Juice Apple Nectar / This genuine apple juice is made from chungju apple.