Hard Times Creamed Tuna
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Recipe Summary Hard Times Creamed Tuna
Times were tough for my newly divorced mom in the 70's. I remember eating creamed tuna on toast with a green salad on the side at least weekly. It was one of my favorite meals, and I had no idea we were eating it out of necessity. Times aren't so tough now, but I still make this about once a month. It's great when you're in a hurry, or have limited supplies on hand. My kids love it too!Ingredients | Eating 5 Times A Day Weight Lossprep: 5 mins cook: 10 mins total: 15 mins Servings: 4 Yield: 4 servings
TAG : Hard Times Creamed TunaSeafood, Fish, Tuna,
Images of Eating 5 Times A Day Weight Loss
Eating 5 Times A Day Weight Loss - Eating five to six small meals each day helps you avoid overeating at meal times.