Pan De Queso (Brazilian Cheese Buns)
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Recipe Summary Pan De Queso (Brazilian Cheese Buns)
My husband spent some time in Brazil as an English teacher and this was one of his favorite breads! It is simply delicious and we love serving it with other traditional Brazilian foods (rice, beans, etc). These are best when they are served warm.Ingredients | Pan De Higo Integralprep: 20 mins cook: 25 mins additional: 10 mins total: 55 mins Servings: 24 Yield: 24 cheese buns
TAG : Pan De Queso (Brazilian Cheese Buns)Bread, Quick Bread Recipes,
Images of Pan De Higo Integral
Pan De Higo Integral : Los valores de nutrientes del higo y el pan integral presentados en esta tabla son únicamente orientativos.