Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Smoothie
Mazda3 mazda 3 16 2016 center console emergency parking brake handle oem.
Recipe Summary Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Smoothie
This is a yummy nutritious shake that you can have for breakfast or a snack. There are also variations you can make to make it healthier or tastier. For a healthier smoothie, add 1 tablespoon wheat germ. If you care more about taste than nutrition, use a chocolate-milk mix like Nesquick®, and use 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt in place of the plain yogurt and vanilla extract.Ingredients | Emergency Brake Handle Coverprep: 10 mins total: 10 mins Servings: 1 Yield: 1 smoothie
TAG : Chocolate-Covered Strawberry SmoothieBreakfast and Brunch, Drinks,
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